December 28, 2014
Christmas DAY might have passed, but I think it's still time to spread the cheer before we dive headfirst into NYE or even Valentines Day. Technically, the Christmas season has just begun in the church. I'm not only still dreaming of my outfits and the great food I have on Christmas, but I'm still excited about my gifts. It's good to be thankful for the gifts you received. That's why I made up this tag (my first tag)! It's called the "Thanks-A-Bunch" tag, and here are the rules:
Hre are my top three favorite gifts I received on Christmas morning:
I'm so thankful for these because I heard that they were backordered, so I'm thankful my mother went to the outlet to find these. I love that they tie any fall or winter outfit together. I will use it to trudge through the mud, rain, and snow on campus. My school is near the water and closer to sea level, so puddles are everywhere!
2. My Husband Pillow
I am SO thankful for this pillow! I hate leaning over my computer and ruining my posture, so this is a comfy and fashionable way to save my back. It adds to my new zen vibe in my room. I can just imagine lounging in this, with a few candles going, my lamp, and my space heater warming up the place. I'll use it to lounge and go on my computer. I hate doing work at my desk.
3. Sentimental Gifts
Sometimes the cheapest gifts are the ones that make the best impressions. This framed picture of Jackie, this calendar with pictures of my parents and I, and my mother and I's matching bracelets will keep them with me while I'm at school and in Greece this spring break. I love these gifts because they're so thoughtful. I'll use them to fill my dorm with my loving family.
Now for YOUR TURN! I tag:
1. YOU
2. Jacquie of My Confessions
3. Wendy of A Day In The Life On The Farm
4. Paige of Paige by Paige
5. Sharon of Paleo Fondue
6. Cassie of Packages, Boxes, and Bags
7. Yadira of The Two Riveras
8. Jessica of Beyoutiful Beauty
9. Jessica of Stumbling Along Through Life
10. Hannah of By Hannah Joy
11. Ana of Figuring Out My Ever After
12. Alayna of The Girl Who Does Everything
13. Alana of Adventure Spices
14. Richa of Let's Doll Up
15. Laura from Cook, Wine, and Thinker www.cookwineandthinker.com
It's your turn ladies! Can't wait to see your posts. Comment your post or tweet me @n_vergak. I hope you all had a wonderful year, and have high hopes for 2015.

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