Since When Did "Plus Size" Mean Curvy?
January 07, 2015
In March, I saw Carly Acquillino, Nicole Byer, and Jamie Lee from Girl Code live at my school. Nicole told us about her tales of working at a Lane Bryant, a plus-size women's clothing store. The way she described it sounded like a sad, desperate experience. I realized working at the store, although may not have been the most fun job ever, wasn't what was making her experience miserable. What made Nicole's experience miserable is the negative labels that society puts on the "plus-sized" industry: fashion and modeling.
Candice Huffman, plus-sized model pictured above, has recently been made the first plus-sized model to adorn a page in the Pirelli Calendar. A plus-sized model legendary Calendar is not only a huge step for plus-sized fashion, but for the body image acceptance movement everywhere. As a body positive proponent, I have mixed feelings about this. I'm excited for this, but it's not a huge breakthrough. Whenever something like this occurs, in any rights or acceptance movement, I always questions why it even matters.
Why do we separate plus sized and regular models? Doesn't it feel foolish that we have to categorize women with more to their curves as separate than women with less? No wonder there's the stigma felt when walking into a plus-sized women's store. I just wonder, since when does plus sized mean curvy? Just like love means love when we're referring to the LGBTQ movement, beauty is beauty. Am I totally out of left field here?
This was beauty back in the 40s. For a time not too long ago, our perceptions have changed so much.
In an extreme effort to exude body confidence, Amani Terrel, parades the body that she loves on Hollywood Boulevard. She states:
"You cannot seek validation from other people, this world is
very cruel, You must seek validation within yourself and be kind to yourself."
She speaks so much truth here. Those seeking rights and acceptance must reminds themselves to stay strong in a world of unacceptance. In the end, we are our own best friends and our own worst enemies. Some people think that the body positive movement can lead to projecting obesity, however, being a health-conscious individual, I'm obviously not doing that.
I'm not a proponent of gaining weight, I'm a proponent of accepting what you have. Curvy, straight, thin, thick, black, white, whatever you may be. Flaunt what you want and be all about that bass!
1. How do you think the plus-sized movement shapes the landscape of society?
2. How do you think the landscape of society has formed the plus-sized movement?
3. How has it affected you?

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