August 07, 2015

Monthly Goals

This is part of the monthly link-up at

Finally, I feel like the summer is winding down. I have one day left at work, one day left at my internship, no more half marathon training, and tons of beach days ahead with a week down the Cape and a few days at Saco River coming up. My half marathon went great, and so did all my other goals this week. Just like I mentioned in my last goals post, summer is all about balance. You take the good with the bad.

How This works:
  1. Follow your hosts My So-Called Chaos and A Peek at Karen's World to keep up with this link-up.
  2. Write up a post recapping last month's goals and setting goals for next month.
  3.  Make sure to include the button in your post by grabbing the code above.
  4. Link up your goals post with the monthly linky which goes live on the first Thursday of the month.
  5. Visit other links in the party to show support and offer advice for other goal setters.
  6. Have fun and make some new friends!

June Goals

  • Run a 10 mile run Success
  • Finish the Sarah Dessen book Success
  • Make your inspiration board Fail
  • Work with more brands Success
  • Make a bonus sale at work Success

In case you were wondering, I got a 2:09 for my first half marathon. I was very please with my sub-10 minute pace, my place, and my time. Don't worry, I have a reflection and a how-to post coming up!

August Goals

  • Keep up training for Running Club
  • Finish the other Sarah Dessen book
  • Clear off walls in my room
  • Facilitate a back-to-school giveaway
  • Keep working with brands
  • Dye hair and get nose pierced

Let's hope August is as promising as July was!

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