
7 Phrases That Mean One Thing to High School students , But a Totally Different Thing to College Students

May 07, 2014

If you're an on-campus resident, or even a commuter, you're living on a college budget time and money wise. You have diminished resources, but those resources need to constantly be replenished. It's hard to find time to sleep, there's always another task to do, and it's the hardest to find edible food sometimes. It's almost like being in the Hunger Games except the Dining Hall is like a cornucopia and you're not always excited about what's in it. That's why I thought of some phrases that mean one thing to non-tributes, but another thing to college kids.

"Come, there'll be free food!"
Highschool kids: I guess I'll be skipping out on mom's dinner tonight. I hope it's as good.

"Nap time"
Highschool kids: If I have some extra time, maybe I'll sneak in a power nap. I'm feeling a bit famished.
College kids: This is the only way I can survive today, it's more necessary than studying between bio lecture and lab. The doctor's best cure for my post all-nighter of studying or all-nighter of drinking... or both. AKA the only compensation for 8AM classes.

Highschool kids: Sometimes I get them at Dunkins, Starbucks, Einsteins or others places. It's a good way to spice up my breakfast routine, and sometimes I even put meat and cheese between the two slices!
College kids: The only form of nourishment you will receive, multiple times a week. Maybe every day if you're lucky. Especially if there's a great bagel place down the street form your school (Bagel World in Salem!)

"It's been a long week"
Highschool kids: I had a test,  and a research paper due that I had months to do. I also worked 3 night shifts.
College kids: I had two exams, a paper that I found out a week ago due, an audition, a basketball game, I had to get a hold off of my account from not paying a bill, I had to stop three of my friends from not having mental breakdowns, had two cans of beer thrown at me, and the people above me just started taking step irish step dancing. 

"I haven't seen you in so long!"
Highschool kids: I haven't hung out with you outside of school in like a month!
College kids: I haven't seen you in like 4 days because our class that meets twice a week was cancelled and I haven't seen you around the dorms, did you die?

"Finals week"
Highschool kids: I have to review everything that happened in this class even though I already have a pretty good grip on it. It's the only thing between me and summer!
College kids: WHAT HAPPENED THIS SEMESTER? WHERE DID IT GO? WE LEARNED THIS? Excuse me while I go to the library with my all of my books and and IV pump of caffeine, I will return when I am solely skin and bones.

"Going to concerts" 
Highschool kids: Yay! My favorite band/artists is coming to town. I'll drive my friends in and we'll all pitch in for parking. Maybe my mom will help with the ticket, gas and parking expense. If not she'll give me money for merch. I'm totes not going to first period tomorrow, soooo rebellious.
College kids: I HAVE TO GO TO THIS ONE. Even though I said that to all the others... I do. So since I'm on my own and car-less as a freshmen I'll need to pay for my ticket, public transportation expense, merch, and food. Let's pray that 1. I don't get felt up on the train/subway and 2. I don't have an early class the next day. Even if I do, oh well I can just e-mail my teacher. Being an adult rules! Even if this means I'll have to cut down on the coffee expense for the next few weeks *cringes*.

I hope you all either found this entertaining or relatable in some way. Either way college is the best times of our lives to grow. So spend all that money on the Fall Out Boy ticket, they make break up again. That's worth losing a bagel trip or two, right?


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