10x10= ONE HUNDRED: 100 =Things I Love Including You!
April 30, 2014
Since September 2012, I've gone through many changes and grown so much. I changed my school (well, college), my hair color twice, my hair length, my relationship status, my car, my house, sadly not my phone, my running shoes, and many more. However one thing I didn't change was my blogging platform and url. I've been here on dsdstyle.blogspot.com since September 2012, and I've created 100 posts since then. It's been a little over a year and six months, and I've never learned so much in that amount of time then I have with this blog.
Not to get all sentimental, but just like any good relationship, you gotta appreciate them milestones. My blog and I are past the honeymoon part of our relationship and we're thriving - I thankfully don't see us splitting up in the near future.
I'd like to thank all of you lovelies for believing in me and reading this babble I post sometimes. I never thought I'd accumulate any reader, but somehow I have. I've also had sososo many opportunities through this, Glam-Express, Youtube, and HerCampus. I can't wait to keep riding this rollercoaster.
Now to celebrate my 100th-ness, I'd like to share my top 10 of my top 10 things, if that makes any sense.
1. Top 10 Youtubers (in no order)
1. Rachel Whitehurst
2. Grace Helbig
3. Jenn Im
4. John Green
5. Bethany Mota
6. Cassey Ho
7. MissMeghanMakeup
8. Arden Rose
9. Michelle Phan
10. Tyler Oakley
2. Top 10 Bands (In no order)
5. Two Door Cinema Club
6. The Wombats
7. Pierce The Veil
8. A Day to Remember
9. All Time Low
10. Bastille
2. Grace Helbig
3. Jenn Im
4. John Green
5. Bethany Mota
6. Cassey Ho
7. MissMeghanMakeup
8. Arden Rose
9. Michelle Phan
10. Tyler Oakley
2. Top 10 Bands (In no order)
1. The Story So Far
4. Mayday Parade5. Two Door Cinema Club
6. The Wombats
7. Pierce The Veil
8. A Day to Remember
9. All Time Low
10. Bastille
3.Top 10 Social Media Sites I Use In Order Of Frequency
1. Facebook (sorry, I still check it first...)
2. Twitter
3. Instagram
4. Snapchat
5. Youtube
6. Blogger
7. Hootsuite
8. Mashable
9. Tumblr
10. Behance

4. Top 10 Best TV Shows
1. Gossip Girl
2. Parks and Rec
3. Awkward
4. Girls
5. The Office
6. Mad Men
7. Big Brother
8. Vanderpump Rules
9. iCarly
10. Suburgatory
5. Top 10 Most used Programs on my Computer
1. iMovie
2. iTunes
3. Google Chrome
4. iPhoto
5. Adobe inDesign
6. Adobe Photoshop Elements 12
7. iCal
8. Skype
9. Pages
10. Photobooth
6. Top 10 Most used Apps on my iPhone
1. UP by Jawbone
2. Twitter
3. iTunes Radio
4. Instagram
5. Vinted
6. iMessage
7. Mail
8. Snapchat
9. Embark Boston
10. Dunkin' Donuts
7. Top 10 Fashion Trends This Year
1. Daisies
2. Flower Crowns
3. Androgyny
4. Flatforms
5. Chunky Necklaces
6. Miss-Matching/ mixing patterns
7. Peter Pan collars
8. Neutrals
9. Skater skirts
10. White & Black
8. Top 10 Beauty Products
1. Kate Moss Lipstick
2. Rimmel Stay Matte Powder
3. Benefit "They're Real" mascara
4. Benefit "Watts Up" highlighter
5. St. Ive's Blemish Control face scrub
6. Bare Essentials blush
7. ELF eyelash curler
8. Pink body spray
9. Revlon Balm Stains
10. Aveeno calming lotion
9. 10 Reasons I love blogging!
1. It's a way for me to have a creative outlet
2. I get to give advice and express my opinion
3. It's a way to gather my thoughts
4. I can make videos and graphics
5. I have freedom - I AM my own boss
6. Sometimes cool people read them and give me feedback
7. It makes me feel important when people notice my blog
8. It helps me develop writing and social media skills that I'll be using in the future at a job in PR
9. It makes me feel like I have a purpose
10. It's always something I've done.
10. 10 reasons I love YOU!
1. YOU
3. ARE
10. ME

4. Top 10 Best TV Shows
1. Gossip Girl
2. Parks and Rec
3. Awkward
4. Girls
5. The Office
6. Mad Men
7. Big Brother
8. Vanderpump Rules
9. iCarly
10. Suburgatory
5. Top 10 Most used Programs on my Computer
1. iMovie

3. Google Chrome
4. iPhoto
5. Adobe inDesign
6. Adobe Photoshop Elements 12
7. iCal
8. Skype
9. Pages
10. Photobooth
6. Top 10 Most used Apps on my iPhone
1. UP by Jawbone

3. iTunes Radio
4. Instagram
5. Vinted
6. iMessage
7. Mail
8. Snapchat
9. Embark Boston
10. Dunkin' Donuts
1. Daisies
2. Flower Crowns
3. Androgyny
4. Flatforms
5. Chunky Necklaces
6. Miss-Matching/ mixing patterns
7. Peter Pan collars
8. Neutrals
9. Skater skirts
10. White & Black

1. Kate Moss Lipstick
2. Rimmel Stay Matte Powder
3. Benefit "They're Real" mascara
4. Benefit "Watts Up" highlighter
5. St. Ive's Blemish Control face scrub
6. Bare Essentials blush
7. ELF eyelash curler
8. Pink body spray
9. Revlon Balm Stains
10. Aveeno calming lotion
9. 10 Reasons I love blogging!
1. It's a way for me to have a creative outlet
2. I get to give advice and express my opinion
3. It's a way to gather my thoughts
4. I can make videos and graphics
5. I have freedom - I AM my own boss
6. Sometimes cool people read them and give me feedback
7. It makes me feel important when people notice my blog
8. It helps me develop writing and social media skills that I'll be using in the future at a job in PR
9. It makes me feel like I have a purpose
10. It's always something I've done.
10. 10 reasons I love YOU!
1. YOU
3. ARE
10. ME
photo credit:
GRACE HELBIG - picture from buzztubeonline.com
TSSF - picture from thewellzstreetjournal.com
UP - picture from itunes.apple.com
CHUCK AND BLAIR - picture from tvfanatic.com
BENEFIT THEYRE REAL - picture from