
SHOWCASE: Free People Photo Shoot

May 05, 2013

I was fortunate to receive some fabulous pictures from my good friend, Cade Johnson of his gorgeous friend Chloe, both from Souther California. He's an aspiring photographer and has let me use these breathtaking pictures for my blog. Today we'll be discussing (more like drooling over) her two spring outfits! The two looks featured below are perfect or a mild spring/early summer day, the best thing about them is that they are very versatile - perfect for stepping out during the day or going out at night. No matter the occasion, these looks will make a splash.

top - Free People
shorts - Free People
sandals - stevemadden.com

Three words I can use to describe this look is majestic Navajo princess. It's the right amount of subtle and pop, the right about of loose and structured, and definitely the perfect balance between tribal and beachy. The bandeau and high wasited shorts combo make for a perfect statement look for going out because these peices are both so low maintenance. No buttons to mess around with, no straps to pull up. I have no words for the shorts, they are my favorite part of the outfit. Okay, maybe I have a LOT of words for them. At first look, they seem to have the silhouette of an A-line skirt, I was tricked, too. However they're a pair of flattering shorts. The seamless look makes it look even more carefree. My final words for them are I NEED THEM. 

shirt - Marshalls India
shoes - Vans Store

Here's some more pictures of the gorgeous model. Her outfit in the words of the photographer are "so spring I can't even" and I'd say I have to agree! So many things about this outfit are on trend. Where do I begin? Where I always do - the high waisted shorts. I probably own about 7 pairs and I plan on expanding my collection, however this post isn't about me. Her shorts are super high waisted (the higher the better in my case), and are perfectly bright and springy! The floral print is cohesive with typical spring trends. They're paired with a chambray tie tank that just makes the look melt together. Tie tanks are so fascinating to me. The high waisted shorts and the tied tank make the look so 80's retro, however the pink vans update it and color block beautifully. I'd say this is pretty in pastels. Her shirt is from Marshalls, the shoes with no surprise are from the vans store. It's safe to say we all need to stock up on a pair of vans this season.

Thank you SO MUCH again for my good friend Cade Johnson for supplying me with these amazing pictures. His twitter is @cadejohnson6 and his email is cccade3@gmail.com if you have any business inquiries or requests. And thank you of course to his beautiful friend Chloe Borchard, her instagram is @chloeeeborchard! Let me know if you guys want more posts like these!

If These Sheets Were States - All Time Low

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