
Beauty: Two Easy Beachy Hair Looks!

June 30, 2013

As I was spending my last week in the beautiful city of Honolulu, Hawaii, I was obviously in and out of the water. Wet, beachy hair can be some girls' worst nightmare, especially if beachy waves just don't happen for your hair. I share your pain, beachy waves just translates to frizzy locks for me. It's the struggle between wanting to dip in the beautiful aqua waters and go out after but not wanting to look like a wet dog. Here's two easy hairstyles that don't require any blow-drying so you can go from the beach and dinner in a reasonable amount of time.

1. The Queen's Crown
Don't fret, this look isn't as stuffy as it sounds. It's really simple. First, put your hair in a high ponytail. Then, either take a hair donut or the sock you use to make your sock bun, and bring it all the way to the root of your pony tail. Next, Try to spill your hair evenly over the donut, and secure that bun shape with another hair elastic. Braid the remaining hair and wrap it around your bun. Viola, your queen's crown! This is one of my new favorite looks. 
2. The Princess's Tiara
A headband can always be a quick fix for a bad hair day, but why not use your own resources? This looks will keep them wondering. Take a two to four inch piece of hair from behind your ear and braid it. Take this braid and put it over your head, and secure it on the opposite side of your head with a bobby pin.

Both of these looks work well with semi-wet hair, so you don't need to take the extra time to blow dry your hair. These looks are relaxed enough to go with a crop top and shorts but fancy enough to pair with a maxi dress and gladiators. Enjoy your summer, and look out for my Hawaii 2012 LookBook on my YouTube!

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