PR Professional and Stylist to Hold an Earring Drive and Party to Benefit Windows of Hope Boutique at Beth Israel Hospital
October 01, 2015
As a fellow PR nerd, I thought I'd share this awesome event held by Jamie Adler, head honcho at Bayleaf Communications. It's an earring drive to benefit Windows of Hope Boutique at Beth Israel Hospital, a speciality shop for cancer patients. This month-long event in October will donate all proceeds and earrings to the charity. She is also co-hosting a a fundraiser at the Art Lounge in Arlington, Massachusetts where she hopes to raise money and collect earrings. Here is a blurb written by Jaimie:
As most of you probably know, October is Breast Cancer awareness month and I wanted to do something special on a local level to bring a little cheer in the form of bling of course, to women undergoing chemotherapy. I can’t imagine how scared and vulnerable these women must feel.
Founded by a cancer survivor and her husband, Windows of Hope Boutique at Beth Israel Hospital in Boston, makes it easy for patients with cancer to find the products and services they need in one comfortable and convenient location.
Although the drive has started, and will last throughout October, I have joined forces with the Art Lounge in Arlington for a fundraising event on October 10 from 7-10.. All proceeds from the event and any physical earrings purchased will support the charity. We hope to deliver 100+ pairs of earring to Windows of Hope on November 1st to give to women at their wig and headscarf fitting appointments.
If you aren’t local or can’t attend on the 10th you can still contribute. Just visit my site, JaimieAdler. You can drop the earrings off at my house, or I can meet you if you are local or have them sent directly to me. DM me for my mailing address.
I hope you’ll join me for this 1st annual earring drive. On behalf of myself, The Art Lounge and Windows of Hope, I thank you!
Please share and help me spread the love.
Lastly, here are some Stella & Dot samples:
To donate to her earring drive, mail earrings to:
17 Nichols Rd
Lexington, MA
Don't forget to check out her event at to support a great cause.

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