

August 02, 2014

In 2012, I took the trip of my lifetime with some friends from school, some new californian friends, and my favorite tourguide ever, Frank. We visited Germany, Switzerland, Italy, France, Austria, and England. I had a travel bug since I've been born, and so have my parents. My parents have taken me to Canada, Aruba, Las Vegas, California, and Florida. 
If there's one thing I would suggest anyone to do, it's to TRAVEL! Traveling instantly means you're out of your comfort zone, and that's where life really begins. You'll be faced with some challenges, and that thinking on your feet is something that you can take with you your whole life. 
 My mom and I took a trip to London from a Wednesday - Saturday in July. Even though it was my second trip, I still learned so much and haven't seen it all! Here's why I think you should travel more:

1. If I didn't travel more, I wouldn't have made more friends!

Traveling on a journey of 6 countries brought me closer to people I thought I was already close to, close to people I'd never thought I would be and brought me to meet people I never thought I'd knew! It all felt like sleepover camp for me. Of course there's the meeting strangers in other countries part, too! While my mom and I were on a Thames River cruise, we talked for about an hour with a Polish woman who now lives in London. We talked all about the USA, the government, taxes, and how similar and different Boston and London really are. 

2. I wouldn't have gotten the VIP experience!

You really never know what's gonna happen while traveling. I'm a huuuge fan of the Bravo show "Ladies of London", and I know that Marissa Hermer, a cast member, owns all of the Bumpkin restaurants in London. I tweeted her, saying that I will be visiting and would love to go to Bumpkin. So, she direct messaged me and asked me what location, so she can make me a VIP and she was "sending me a pressie". When my mom and I arrived, they seated us and she sent us over two glasses on champagne on the house! I was thrilled, and the lamb was to die for. So was the sticky toffee pudding. Next to us was another older mother-daughter couple. They were from Arizona and were Ladies of London fans as well! You never know until you get out there.

3. I wouldn't have seen such beautiful sights!

The Eiffel Tower, The Colosseum, Rhine Falls, the Trevi Fountain, and so much more. I wouldn't have experienced them if I didn't go out of my comfort zone. Yes, where we live has beautiful sights, but you appreciate the whole world more when you see what it has to offer. The great thing about sightseeing is that there is always an interesting history attached to it.

4. I wouldn't have picked up random facts about the world.
  • The National Gallery is one of the biggest international art galleries in England.

  • The Blue Hen on that pillar is temporary. Every year, a piece of art from a new and upcoming artist is displayed there. That is from a German artist, and it will be switched out at the end of 2014.
  • This is the shop where Prime Minister of World War II Winston Churchill bought all of his cigars.

5. I wouldn't have had so many adventures and memories!

From pretending it was my birthday at our Bangers 'n' Mash dinner in London, to trekking up the Tower of Lucerne, Switzerland and my friend almost getting shocked by electric wire, I've made memories that I will always smile about and pictures to always look and laugh at.

Finally, if I didn't travel I wouldn't have made the realization that no matter how many miles away from home you travel, or how many seas you cross, everyone is the same. We all want and work for the same things. Even if our paths our different our destinations are the same. We're blessed by the people we cross in our paths, they were put there for a reason. No matter if your using pounds or pesos to buy something at your local drug store, and no matter if your local drugstore is Tescos, ABCS, or CVS, we're all on the same earth. Happy travels!

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