June 04, 2014
I've missed my lovelies! Although now that I'm back in Massachusetts I find myself missing the palm trees lining the streets. However, I'm not missing the weather too much, I'll take pleasant 70's/80's here over a humid 90's down there. In case you didn't hear, last week I was in Key West on a family vacation.
I like to travel to places that I don't know much about, so that every attraction and sight surprises me. Every experience unravels the mystery, and eventually it all starts to fit together. For example, after we landed in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, I thought we'd drive over the famous 7 Mile Bridge, and BOOM be in Key West. However, I didn't know that it was a 5-hour (with traffic), 155 mile drive all down the Florida Keys and over 42 bridges until we'd reach our condo rental in Old Town, Key West. I knew the Florida Keys existed, but not the extent of it. Adventure #1, check!
Key West is such a cute, beachy, eclectic town. They love their sun, thrift shops, motor scooters... and alcohol. The whole place has a New Orleans feel.
We took a Sunset /Glass Bottom Boat Cruise
We took an Old Town Trolley Tour:
We Visited the Southernmost Tip of the Continental US
Now the most important part... The outfits!
Naturally, I was feeling nautical and preppy when I was shopping and dressing.
As you can tell, blue is my color of choice. I chose this gold bangle with a blue end and a white end with a gold starfish. I also love this statement blue, beaded seashell necklace.
I'm a sucker for daisies! I bought this flowy sheer daisy tank top dow there as well.

Annnd the two most important purchases now! I needed/ wanted comfortable white pants for work at White House Black Market, and I found them at a French shop on Duval St called "La Naturelle" They're based out in France. The sales lady told me my butt looked good in them, so naturally I was sold!
I also acquired my first Lilly Pulitzer piece. I love the print of this t-shirt. It reminds me of lobsters. So summery! #SummerInLilly.
For an extensive look at my outfit details and a scenic look of Key West, watch the video on my YouTube channel!