

May 15, 2014

Hello hello! I have some exciting announcements for you all today. First, my monthly "beauty award" series is out. I have the picks and prices here and a video of me talking them up and attempting to be funny is here, on my YouTube Channel.

Red Converse, $33.36, Amazon
Aveeno Calming lotion (saved my skin!), $13, target
Barbara's Puffins cereal, $18, grocery stores
Oversized chain necklace, $6, Charlotte Russe

I hope you guys end up loving those products as well! The shoes and the necklaces have become my go-to staples.

My other exciting news is that I'm teaming up with some other bloggers for a super awesome giveaway! We all donated money so that we can share the wealth. The stakes are high: a $100 Target gift card and a $15 Starbucks gift card.

Want to win? Just rack up your points here. The more activities you do and share, the better chance you have of winning!

Just click here to view and enter the giveaway. Here's my Beauty Awards video while you're at it, thanks!

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