
I was nominated for a Leibster Award!

March 27, 2014

Hello all! Today I am eternally grateful. One of my internet friends, Carolyn from http://thediaryofatallgirl.blogspot.com/ nominated me for a Leibster award! It's basically a chance for all us smaller bloggers to help each other out. It's basically a "tag" and I was given some questions to answer! At the end of this post, I will be tagging some fellow small bloggers with some questions for them. Let's get down to business.

Questions I got from Carolyn:

1. When you aren't glues to your computer screen, where can we find you?

You can probably guess, but probably running or at the gym. Or class or with friends. But other than when completely necessary, I'm glued to my computer screen.

2. Where did you get the best online deals?

PLNDR.com, 10dollarmall.com, nomorerack.com, and Forever 21 in store and out of store. Or I just put in whatever I want on WaNeLo and find the cheapest one!

3. Do you have a preference for what Internet browser you use? (Internet explorer, safari, etc)

Is Internet explorer really an option here? I use Google Chrome and Google Chrome Only. 

4. Have you ever been to Disney? What's your favorite ride?

I have, but not since I was 6 unfortunately. My favorite ride was the rock 'n' roll roller coaster,and my least favorite one was the tower of terror. I actually cried after waiting in line for an hour and they told me "no crying on the tower of terror!"

5. You get to have one exotic animal as a pet. Only one! What is it?

A sloth! They're way too cute. 

6. Is there a book you've read that's completely changed how you view some aspect of the world?
I've read all of John Green's books. I know everyone has, but they taught me a valuable lesson. Yes, every book has its separate lesson, but the one overall theme is the power that "kids" can have without parents. A lot of youth are looked over and not taken seriously, but John Green never leaves them out.

7. What's one kind of candy you doubt you could live without?

Reeses cups! Gotta have my peanut butter and chocolate.

8. Have you ever considered vlogging (or do you already)? Or is blogging your only main platform?

Yes! is do at http://www.youtube.com/ohaixnikay

9. Are you excited for summer and the beach or are the winter 

holidays and snow more your style?

SUMMER AND THE BEACH! Well, I live in New england so I have to embrace all seasons, but given the choice I'd choose summer.

10. If you could write/photograph/style/design for any magazine, which would it be?

Ooo I like this question! Well, before I entered college I would've said write. I'd still love to have my own column some day, however I've been really into Graphic Design lately. I'm taking a class on it and it's really cool!

11. What's one nail polish that you always fall back on, no matter the season or occasion?

Essie's "naughty nautical" Because it's my actual favorite color and I always wear blue or colors that match it.

Thanks Carolyn for tagging me! These are the people I tag:
Ashley, http://www.musicmakeupandmore-aj.blogspot.com
Hayley http://style-4-awhile.blogspot.com/
Natalie, http://brokestudentfashion.blogspot.co.uk/
Andrea, http://www.dittanail.blogspot.ro/
Ayisha, http://www.mizzmoi.blogspot.ie/
Jenny, ramblingsofajaffacat.blogspot.co.uk
Sarah, http://justsarahsaverageblog.blogspot.co.uk/
My questions for them:
1. Do you use liquid or powder foundation?
2. What's your dreams job?
3. Do you live in a land-locked or coastal state?
4. What your favorite app to use on your phone, and why?
5. What your favorite "cheat"/unhealthy food? The greasier the better!
6. Do you use coupons/look for deals when you shop?
7. What's the most visited website on your browser?
8. Who's your icon in the blogging/youtube sphere?
9. What's your dream concert lineup?
10. What's the favorite piece of clothing you own?

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