September 02, 2015
This is part of the monthly link-up at
September is the time for new beginnings! It's almost as much of a fresh start as the New Year. That's because for me, at least, it's the new Academic Year. So all my goals are going to be academic-related mostly. Enjoy and good luck with your goals this month! Stay cool and avoid the heat wave!
How This works:
How This works:
- Follow your hosts My So-Called Chaos and A Peek at Karen's World to keep up with this link-up.
- Write up a post recapping last month's goals and setting goals for next month.
- Make sure to include the button in your post by grabbing the code above.
- Link up your goals post with the monthly linky which goes live on the first Thursday of the month.
- Visit other links in the party to show support and offer advice for other goal setters.
- Have fun and make some new friends!
August Goals
- Keep up training for Running Club
- Finish the other Sarah Dessen book
- Clear off walls in my room
- Keep working with brands
- Dye hair and get nose pierced
Accomplished goals are green and unaccomplished (yet in the works) are in red.
September Goals
- Complete all paperwork so running club can run our first race
- Get back to two blog posts a week
- Decorate living room in suite
- Get accustomed to chores/food shopping/cleaning in the suite
- Set goals in executive board position for WMWM and PRSSA
Let's hope September is as promising as August was!

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