REVIEW: iOs 8.0.2

October 25, 2014

Apple is always trying to make our iPhone experience more fluid and accessible. The new iOs 8.0.2. boasts a more organized camera roll, contact profile, texting, and more. It's the little things that really make this software update worthwhile. 

Here's some new, exciting features:
  1. Smart Albums that organize photos for you
  2. Health Calorie Tracker
  3. App Sharing
  4. Fluid Design
  5. Quicktype
  6. Location Sharing

Here are my personal favorite new features of iOS 8.0.2.

Evert get lost at an event, park, or mall? Ever meet up with your friend at a new location and not know exactly where? You can send your location via iMessage. 

Sending pictures at the touch of a button makes communicating and sending pictures way easier. You can still send pictures the old fashion way, however this makes it snappy. (Get it?) You pick your picture and send it all on the same screen.

This is one of my favorite features of the new iOS. Not only can you select what app to close to go to when you hold down your home button, but you can also access recent texts. I don't have a picture of this - but you can also reply to texts when you get them on the notification screen.

The button on the slide-up screen buttons look different now!

Siri now has Shazam built in now so you never have to guess what that song is again.

Now every contact has a profile - you can DND someone, see what pictures you've sent someone, share your location, text, call, or FaceTime them. 

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